BA-134Ayurvedic Medicine
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Uses: Useful in losing weight, cleansing body, rebuilding muscles and boosting immunity.
Basic Ayurveda Grass Meal (Sugar Free) Juice is a health drink commonly
found in the Ayurveda and wellness markets. It is made from wheatgrass
(triticum sativum).
It helps cleanse the blood by flushing out toxins. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that support the immune system. It contains enzymes that aid in digestion and improve gut health. It helps fight free radicals, reducing oxidative stress. It also provides natural energy and vitality due to its nutrient density. It also improves sleeping pattern and helps with insomnia. Basic Ayurveda Grass Meal (Sugar Free) Juice also increases metabolism thereby helping in weight loss by burning out food and fat. Also, it is very helpful in cases of anemia by increasing hemoglobin.
Recommended Dosage: One to Two measuring cups (30-60 ml.) of
juice with water early morning empty stomach. One cup (30 ml) of juice in the
evening at 5 or 6.
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